What is email and sms marketing?
In its truest essence it is direct marketing. It is arriving on your clients door step already knowing their like and dislikes and how your product or service can help them.Effective email marketing is done with research on customer behavior and response to emails. This allows you to give your client a list of products and services they want. It is the power to speak and connect with your target market directly.
E mail and sms marketing is cost affective, environmentally friendly it also enriches your business communications with your target market.Email marketing is a great way to stay in contact with you client as well as marketing your business.
With today effective email marketing software, you can maintain an emailing list that is segmented based on countless factors such as how long a client has been on the list, the customers like and dislikes, spending habits and other important criteria.
With email and sms marketing you are connected with your client base and sales base. Effective email marketing will help you maintain old customers while creating new ones at the same time.