Marketing is the process of attracting customers to your company, keeping the client happy and offering further services and products to your clients. Marketing can involve various marketing strategies - including online and offline marketing. Some marketing forms include:
- Print media such as flyers
- Newspaper adverts
- E-mail campaigns in the form of newsletters
- Website Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Marketing
In the long forgotten past, you had to rely on word of mouth and print media marketing to ensure that you're message got heard. Of course, there was also television advertising. You never really knew who saw your adverts, did they really read the content of the ad or just eyed through it? Did they pass the information on to other people?
However, now the Internet has made it possible for your marketing campaigns to be controlled, measured and analyzed. You know exactly how many people are viewing your website - be in through measures in Adwords or Analytics. Using Social Media marketing, you can also to a big extend see whether your information is shared. You can tell if people are actually reading the content of your website by seeing how long they stay on the pages. |